Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Birding with Blue

Hi!  I'm Blue.  Welcome to my blog.  I love all birds but a few of my favorites are the chestnut sided warbler and the bluejay.  I think winter birds are so fun to watch.  I have seen many rock doves and hawks. I've even seen them sitting together on a power line!  That's all for now. Happy birding! Please leave a comment and tell me about your favorite winter birds.


  1. Hi Blue, we love your blog! We have had so much activity at our feeders lately with all of the migrants passing through and the winter birds arriving, it's such an exciting time of year for birding! Bluebirds, Juncos, Kinglets, and even a Northern Flicker have all been stopping by, so between the new birds and our regulars, (Wrens, Chickadees, Cardinals, Titmice, Nuthatches, and several Hairy, Downy, and Red Bellied Woodpeckers) we've been very busy keeping the feeders filled up. We can't wait to read more about your birding adventures soon!!

  2. Northern flicker awesome! In winter there are lots of birds so keep those feeders filled up!

  3. hey so my favorite birds are Brown thrush hummind bird and most of all the black and white warbler!!!
