Monday, December 9, 2013


Hummingbirds are so fun to watch.  I had lots of Ruby throated hummingbirds last year.  Red nectar is bad for hummingbirds so get clear nectar instead.  You might think red nectar would attract more hummingbirds to your feeder but really if you had clear nectar and a red feeder it would still attract hummingbirds.  Some people use strawberry scented nectar.  Strawberry scented nectar is silly because there is no evidence that hummingbirds come to nectar because of it smell.  So get clear nectar and happy birding

This is a photo I took
last summer!

1 comment:

  1. Hay Blue,
    beautiful pic! Me and my dog love to watch hummingbirds. they are so pretty!
    love your Blog. moonlight
